***** Vacant Coral Estates Parcels *****

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🌴 👍 Full Regions (8) 👍 🌴

CoconutsFAFull Prim Estate RightsC6553630000169997New ParcelFeatured Parcel
Eternal ParadiseFAFull Prim Estate RightsC6553620000149997Featured Parcel
Lake RubyFAFull Prim Estate RightsC6553630000152507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
OceanikaFMFull Prim Estate RightsC6553620000135007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Fantasy IslandFAFull Prim Estate RightsM6553620000149997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Mystic ParadiseFAFull Prim Estate RightsM6553630000152507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
TagFAFull Prim Estate RightsM6553630000169997Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Tropical FruitFAFull Prim Estate RightsM6553630000169997New ParcelFeatured Parcel

🌴 Homestead (6) 🌴

Banana IslandsHAFull Rights EstatesR65536500060997Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Coral RubyHAFull Rights EstatesR65536500060997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Cuddley CoveHAFull Rights EstatesR65536500060997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Isla EncantadaHAFull Rights EstatesR65536500062507Featured Parcel
Mystical ShoreHAFull Rights EstatesR65536500062507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Erotica VelvetHAFull Rights EstatesS65536500070007Featured Parcel

🛒 Commercial (7) 🛒

FantasyaFAL2 Grass SeaFront NorthC327681500085007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
INSTRUMENTSFAL3 Grass SeaFront NorthC327681000072507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Misty WoodlandsFAL1 Grass Corner North WestC16384750051257Special PriceFeatured Parcel
PalawanFAL1 Sand Corner North EastC16384750049997New ParcelFeatured Parcel
PalawanFAL3 Sand Corner South EastC16384750045007New Parcel
Punta ArenaFAL2 Grass SeaFront NorthC327681500079997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Restful PleasureFML1 Grass SeaFront WestC327681000072507Featured Parcel

🏠 🌲 Residential (12) 🌲 🏠

Beech CoveHAL2 Grass Corner North WestR16384125018007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
Cannon CoveFAL3 Grass Corner South EastR16384828752007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Coral BarosFAL4 Sand Corner North EastR16384750045007Special PriceFeatured Parcel
EurekaFAL2 Grass Corner South EastR16384750045007New Parcel
Honors HideawayFAL2 Sand SkyBox LandR8192250028007Featured Parcel
Lake DestinyFAL7 Sand SeaFront EastR8192414328007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
Lower AustriaHAL2 Grass Corner South EastR16384125018007Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Misty Moon ForestFML4 Grass Corner North EastR16384750045007Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Quest IslandFAL1 Grass Corner South EastR16384855055507Featured Parcel
Quest IslandFAL2 Grass Corner North EastR16384855052507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Tentation IslandFAL4 Sand SeaFront NorthR4096207115997
Thunder DomeFML4 Grass SeaFront NorthR409612509997

🌴 🏄 Sailing (6) 🏄 🌴 ▼

Coral DesireHAL7 Seafront Sand SouthS24965138997New Parcel
Coral EdgeHAL2 Sunset West SandS10304157221997New Parcel
Coral GulfHAL1 Sand Corner WestS16384250036007Featured Parcel
Coral VelvetHAL4 Sand Sunrise EastS9728192931997Featured Parcel
Mystical BreezeHAL2 Sand Sunrise EastS8192125020007Featured Parcel
Porto VallartaHML2 Corner South WestS13600185628007New ParcelFeatured Parcel

🏠 🛒 Mixed (16) ( Commercial - Residential ) 🛒 🏠

AzuraFML7 Grass Corner North EastM4096150011997
Blue SpringFML3 Grass SeaFront WestM8192300019997Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Castle IslandFAL2 Corner Grass South WestM16384600042507
Fantasya IsleFAL13 Grass SkyBox landM8192300018757Special PriceNew Parcel
Honors HideawayFAL11 Sand Corner South WestM4096125014807Featured Parcel
Isla MargaritaFAL1 Grass Corner North WestM16384600042507New Parcel
KealaniFML1 Sand SeaFront EastM8192250019807Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
La PalmaFAL2 Seafront Sand EastM4096225014997Special PriceFeatured Parcel
MazbanFML3 Grass SeaFront EastM204810357997Featured Parcel
Meridian IslandFAL4 Grass SeaFront WestM327681500085007Special PriceFeatured Parcel
MinimalFAL2 Grass SeaFront SouthM327681200075007Featured Parcel
Seductive RomanceFML31 Grass SeaFront NorthM409615009597Featured Parcel
Willow IsleFAL5 Grass SeaFront WestM8192300019507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
WillowshireFML2 Grass Corner South EastM16384500040007Featured Parcel
XanatosFAL2 Grass SeaFront SouthM16384750049997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
XanatosFAL4 Grass Skybox LandM8192375019997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel

Displaying 55 Entrys

Total Sqm: 1,504,544 (23)
Total Prims: 456,756

M=Mixed (residential or commercial)
F=Full Prim
M=Mature (Moderated)
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