***** Vacant Coral Estates Parcels *****

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🌴 👍 Full Regions (6) 👍 🌴

HeartboundFMFull Rights EstatesR6553630000159997Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Eden IsleFAStand Alone IslandM6553620000129807Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
FujiFAStand Alone IslandM6553620000138907Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Oceanic IslandFAFull Prims Estate RightsM6553620000129807Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
PsycheFAFull Rights EstatesM6553630000159997
Willow IsleFAStand Alone IslandM6553620000129807New ParcelFeatured Parcel

🌴 Homestead (4) 🌴

AustralHAStand Alone IslandR65536500062997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Coral MamboHAStand Alone IslandR65536500062997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Soul SerenityHAStand Alone IslandR65536500062997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Vadoo ReefHASailing Full IslandR65536500065997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel

🛒 Commercial (8) 🛒

Coral SunsetFML2 Grass Corner South WestC16384500035007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
DrakkarFAL1 Sand SeaFront SouthC327681200061997New ParcelFeatured Parcel
Heart IsleFAL4 Sand Corner North EastC8192375021507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
KryptosFML2 Grass Corner North WestC16384750041257Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Midnight DreamsFAL4 Grass Corner South EastC16384600037507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Sweet IslandFML2 Grass SeaFront WestC16384750045007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Tentation IslandFAL4 Sand SeaFront NorthC8192414329997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Thunder DomeFML1 Grass Corner North WestC16384500032207Special PriceFeatured Parcel

🏠 🌲 Residential (7) 🌲 🏠

Honors HideawayFAL15 Sand Corner North WestR8192250025007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
La PalmaFAL1 Sand SkyBox LandR8192450030007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
MisteryFAL2 Grass Corner North WestR16384600036887Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Star Beach IslandHML3 Grass SeaFront SouthR32768250034997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Tentation IslandFAL13 Sand Corner Side EastR16384828760007Featured Parcel
Tentation IslandFAL7 Sand Corner South EastR16384828860007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
ValalaFAL2 Sand SeaFront EastR8192375020007New ParcelFeatured Parcel

🌴 🏄 Sailing (6) 🏄 🌴 ▼

Coral EdgeHAL1 Sand Sunset ViewS16400250235007Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Erotica ParadisioHAFull Homestead SailingS17424398765007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
MooreaHAL3 Sand Corner NorthS8192200330007New ParcelFeatured Parcel
Mystical BreezeHAL4 Sand Seafront EastS8192125020007Featured Parcel
ZafiraHAL1 Sand Sunset South CornerS8192250332507New ParcelFeatured Parcel
ZafiraHAL2 Sand Sunrise South EastS4096124922257New ParcelFeatured Parcel

🏠 🛒 Mixed (13) ( Commercial - Residential ) 🛒 🏠

AbileneFAL9 Grass SeaFront SouthM409615008997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Beech CoveHAL2 Sand Seafront EastM32768250034997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Cannon CoveFAL1 Grass SeaFront WestM6144310725007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Coral BreezeFAL3 Grass SeaFront SouthM327681500079997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Diamond LoveFAL6 Sand SeaFront EastM8192300022007Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Eternal ParadiseFAL6 Grass SeaFront WestM409612509997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Fantasya IsleFAL7 Seafront Grass NorthM409615009257Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
GrimselFAL7 Sand Seafront EastM409615009257Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Karmic WonderFML2 Sand SeaFront NorthM327681000061997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Myrtle IsleFAL11 Grass Skybox LandM409618759457Special PriceFeatured Parcel
Seductive RomanceFML13 Grass SkyBox LandM20487506507Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
Seductive RomanceFML2 Grass SeaFront SouthM327681200074997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel
XanatosFAL4 Grass SkyBox LandM4096187510997Special PriceNew ParcelFeatured Parcel

Displaying 44 Entrys

Total Sqm: 1,127,456 (17.2)
Total Prims: 316,069

M=Mixed (residential or commercial)
F=Full Prim
M=Mature (Moderated)
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